The Passion Series
"Passion, portrayed in countless ways and artistic movements represented throughout the history of art, is an issue of such wide diversity. Many artists like Michelangelo with his Piety, portrays a passion from the religious point of view, but while loaded with a lot of sensuality in the delicacy of the sculpted lines. With the same fate Gianlorenzo Bernini sculpted fingers of Pluton strongly penetrating the marble body of Proserpina. Where desire and passion are painful, as it recreates a fit, and that is how the stories of both Christian and Pagan Gods live in the same trinity that forms the passion itself: desire, eroticism and suffering.
All the passions are of human nature, as rational beings, we know our taste or preference. It is a natural process of eroticism in which the desire, membership, lust and other individual elements that lead to wanting to meet a strong affinity towards something. Although this desire often involves direct or indirect physical or mental suffering, it is what drives us to achieve the objective to satisfy the pleasure.
"Cupiditas" is the name of the process that was used in the past for this technique. They are a series of paintings shown in continuation that have a union, hybridization or interbreeding between subtle eroticism and explicit aspects within the erotic art. While in the universe all forces complement each other such as love can not exist without hatred nor joy without sorrow. In the same way there cannot be a desire that does not involve lust because what we desire is also known as greed;, coveting what we see and seeing what we don't have. These pleasures allow us to reach the sublime eroticism. Passion, this is who I am.
Alberto Escobar, 2015

Oil on Wood 2013

Oil on Wood 2013

Oil on Wood 2014

Oil on Canvas 2014

Oil on Wood 2014

Oil on Wood 2015